While the cartoon debates and protests take over the real world and the virtual.
Here on the Internet hordes of oppurtunists are jumping on to the bandwagon
and giving vent to their misdirected hate....
I find this picture extremely disturbing and graphic
Its by far one of the worst pictures made
I think it won't even fit into the category of a cartoon....
This blog here contains more such pictures http://thestudyofrevenge.blogspot.com/
The author has become instantly famous over the net for his hateful images and he claims that he is doing this to express solidarity with the danes.
There were so many objections raised that google unlisted the blog and put a warning also
No offence to anyone but I thought I have to make my stand on this issue
I think this whole issue merely serves as a distraction from the real issues of the
failed war in Iraq and the proposed attack on Iran.
It is in the favor of the west to allow this issue to escalate as it would
give rise to anti-muslim sentiments which will allow it some respite from its failures in iraq and also help in its agression against Iran with popular support.
I also feel you are driving muslims up the wall with this campaign and if this continues the moderates will embrace the radicals.......
I find it sad as to where they are taking this freedom of speech drama to....
I agree that Islam is hardly perfect but then neither is any other relgion....
While the US and Britain pummel the great cities of the Middle East into dust, is the best the world can do is attack the soul of Islam like scavengers and parasites at a feast on a corpse?
I'm not a muslim and have my own issues with the concept of God, but as I watch the assault upon Islam, its people, and destruction of its culture by western interests is the best that those living elsewhere can offer as emphathy is to paint graffitti and obscene images of its Prophet?
The hypocracy of the west is best reflected in this cartoon which
I think speaks the truth.
Here on the Internet hordes of oppurtunists are jumping on to the bandwagon
and giving vent to their misdirected hate....
I find this picture extremely disturbing and graphic
Its by far one of the worst pictures made
I think it won't even fit into the category of a cartoon....
This blog here contains more such pictures http://thestudyofrevenge.blogspot.com/
The author has become instantly famous over the net for his hateful images and he claims that he is doing this to express solidarity with the danes.
There were so many objections raised that google unlisted the blog and put a warning also
No offence to anyone but I thought I have to make my stand on this issue
I think this whole issue merely serves as a distraction from the real issues of the
failed war in Iraq and the proposed attack on Iran.
It is in the favor of the west to allow this issue to escalate as it would
give rise to anti-muslim sentiments which will allow it some respite from its failures in iraq and also help in its agression against Iran with popular support.
I also feel you are driving muslims up the wall with this campaign and if this continues the moderates will embrace the radicals.......
I find it sad as to where they are taking this freedom of speech drama to....
I agree that Islam is hardly perfect but then neither is any other relgion....
While the US and Britain pummel the great cities of the Middle East into dust, is the best the world can do is attack the soul of Islam like scavengers and parasites at a feast on a corpse?
I'm not a muslim and have my own issues with the concept of God, but as I watch the assault upon Islam, its people, and destruction of its culture by western interests is the best that those living elsewhere can offer as emphathy is to paint graffitti and obscene images of its Prophet?
The hypocracy of the west is best reflected in this cartoon which
I think speaks the truth.
Well stated arguements on your part.
You are right some people are taking pushing their freedom of speech to dangerous levels.
Lets see how this will end....