I am sick and tired of seeing only soft pro-american images of the Iraq War
in the Indian media like today we had US soldiers hugging and comforting Iraqi boys,
in the international section of The Times of India
Staged photo shoots that show the American Army in good light
I have removed the gory images that involve blood
I might consider posting them later
This is the Truth about the Iraq war
and don't expect to find any of these photographs
published in the Mainstream Media
These have been collected from various sources
Her family 'accidentally' shot and killed as they approached a US convoy.
Iraqi Girl- The enemy
Liberated by friendly cluster bombs
Iraqi Blood Bank
Smile! you are Liberated !
The downward pointed thumbs mean we ran out of flower petal
Dead mother liberated in Iraq
This Iraqi boy is so afraid of falling bombs, that during a rain storm, when it thunders, he has to be physically restrained to keep him from running aimlessly in search of cover. From what I've read, "shell shocked" children such as this are not uncommon in Iraq, thanks to those brave, brave men in the Pentagon.
she is too busy crying to shower Americans with kisses
Her brother was killed and her neck injured in recent attacks.
Our "enemy." The doctors had to tie him to his bed because there are no pain relievers to sooth him, courtesy of those brave, brave men at the Pentagon.
Sisters in Grief.
The men of their home are never going to return again
Probably a brother,a husband or a father
Maybe all of the above
A little girl cries beside the body of her father, slain before her eyes
This young soldier, Sergeant Ryan M. Campbell, was recently killed in Iraq. His final request, in a letter to his family, was to be buried with this photograph on his coffin.
in the Indian media like today we had US soldiers hugging and comforting Iraqi boys,
in the international section of The Times of India
Staged photo shoots that show the American Army in good light
I have removed the gory images that involve blood
I might consider posting them later
This is the Truth about the Iraq war
and don't expect to find any of these photographs
published in the Mainstream Media
These have been collected from various sources
Her family 'accidentally' shot and killed as they approached a US convoy.
Iraqi Girl- The enemy
Liberated by friendly cluster bombs
Iraqi Blood Bank
Smile! you are Liberated !
The downward pointed thumbs mean we ran out of flower petal
Dead mother liberated in Iraq
This Iraqi boy is so afraid of falling bombs, that during a rain storm, when it thunders, he has to be physically restrained to keep him from running aimlessly in search of cover. From what I've read, "shell shocked" children such as this are not uncommon in Iraq, thanks to those brave, brave men in the Pentagon.
she is too busy crying to shower Americans with kisses
Her brother was killed and her neck injured in recent attacks.
Our "enemy." The doctors had to tie him to his bed because there are no pain relievers to sooth him, courtesy of those brave, brave men at the Pentagon.
Sisters in Grief.
The men of their home are never going to return again
Probably a brother,a husband or a father
Maybe all of the above
A little girl cries beside the body of her father, slain before her eyes
This young soldier, Sergeant Ryan M. Campbell, was recently killed in Iraq. His final request, in a letter to his family, was to be buried with this photograph on his coffin.